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Generative AI

Moxoff uses generative AI models to learn patterns and relationships of data, mainly using supervised learning to create new outputs.

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ChatGPT and AI generative creator: what are “hallucinations”?

Hallucination refers to situations in which a content-generating AI tool such as ChatGPT can produce responses and content that seem consistent but are completely fabricated or incorrect.


Prompt Engineering: What is it and why do the Business need it?

Prompt engineering is a powerful technique to optimize the performance of language models. It is the art of driving artificial intelligence, making it increasingly efficient and comprehensive in the processing of Natural Language Processing and able to decipher human language and produce useful results.

AI Generative: Who is a Prompt Engineer and What Do They Do?

The wide spread of artificial intelligence systems has brought to light the need to regulate the production, use and development of such systems, the user must be informed when interacting.


Using AI: How is it regulated in Europe and Italy?

Prompt engineering is a powerful technique to optimize the performance of language models. It is the art of driving artificial intelligence, making it increasingly efficient and comprehensive in the processing of Natural Language Processing and able to decipher human language and produce useful results.